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Our School Story


The Samuel Brighouse Elementary School story began in 1965, built to serve the residents of the "new" Brighouse Estates neighourhood.  Brighouse Elementary has grown into a culturally diverse community with around 670 students and staff, and currently the largest elementary schools in the Richmond School District.

Welcome to Brighouse, "Where everyone counts!"


How can we ensure that everyone feels welcome in our community?

Over the past few years, Brighouse Elementary has seen a significant increase in the number of staff and students.  Our hope is that all members of our community feel welcome here. This past September, we surveyed students, staff and families to hear their thoughts on what we can do to work towards feeling connected and welcome as a community.


Based on what we are hearing from our fall survey of staff, students and families, as well as from informal conversations, people are seeking opportunities for us to connect and get to know each other.  We are also hearing that not all members of our community feel welcome.  Staff are looking to have school-wide opportunities like family teams, and our PAC group is also talking about events and activities that will help us build as a community.  The hope is as we continue our learning together as a community, that we will build connections, and be able to focus more on how to be kind to our place, each other, and ourselves.  This will in turn help all people feel welcome at Brighouse.

Please see Our Focus and Our Learning tabs for more detailed updates of our journey together.

Our Action Posts

School Story Action Post

Posted: Dec 17 2024

Providing Daily Snacks

Posted: Mar 10 2024

December Buddy Lessons

Posted: Dec 22 2023

Our Evidence Posts