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What does it mean to Belong?

In our work together to ensure all members of our community feel welcome at Brighouse, we connected with District Teacher Consultant, Baren Tsui, to lead lessons in all of our Intermediate Classes about Belonging and Identity.  During those lessons it became clear that some of our students were interested in talking more about this topic, so Baren Tsui returned and joined Ms Barrington-Foote in a focus group of students in Grades 6 and 7.  In this focus group, they shared through art and words their thoughts about belonging by answering the following questions:  What does it Mean to Belong? How does Belonging help you with your learning? Where do you feel community in the school?  Student responses were shared at our June staff meeting and will help guide our plans for the 24/25 school year.


Updated: Friday, June 7, 2024