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Our School Re-Focus

Brighouse School Story- Our Re-Focus

STARR - What does this mean to Brighouse. We have spent the last few years focusing on Literacy specifically reading intervention. As we are moving into our second year of having all of our students present as well as growing to an exceptionally large elementary, it was decided as a staff to focus on the social and emotional health of our students.

A tool that can help us is our STARR acronym

S          - safe

T          - thoughtful

A         - accepting

R         - responsible

R         - respectful

We will be scanning students using the following questions.

  1. What does STARR mean?
  2. Can you name two or more adults at school who believe you will be successful?
  3. What do you do when you have a problem?

We believe that the data that we will collect will provide us with valuable information that we as a school community can use to help students deal with differences, help them feel more connected and create a greater sense of community as our school continues to grow.

As a staff we are curious about what does regular, consistent practice around connecting and problem solving do to make a difference to students’ daily school life.

How does STARR continue to be a focus?

  • Daily announcements that include a STARR focus and quote for the month
  • Making it visible - we will be creating posters that teachers can have visible in their rooms that they can refer to when addressing social emotional education in their classrooms
  • Including in emails sent to families and what is our focus for the month
  • Diversity is one of our strengths - how can be learn from each other?
  • Honouring identity - how do our individual stories connect us to our school story?
  • Safety and belonging is important - what can we do to make everyone feel a part of the community?
  • School spaces accessible - to parents
  • How do we unlearn and use language that is more inclusive - are we open to change? Are we patient when someone makes a mistake?
  • DEI committee work around celebrations, school-wide events and learning
Updated: Monday, December 12, 2022