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Brighouse Open House of Learning

The Brighouse Staff hosted a school-wide Open House to showcase the learning of our students on Thursday, April 26th, 2018. This provided an opportunity for families to visit classrooms throughout the school to see our Redesigned Curriculum in action at all grade levels. As part of the redesigned curriculum, staff have been working with students on developing the Core Competencies as well as developing a Growth Mindset. The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need to develop in order to engage in deep and life-long learning. The three areas of Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social Skills were highlighted in the school for our Open House through the use of triangles with the letters "C" "T" and "PS" beside the students' work. Staff have been working on highlighting the Core Competencies in a visible way with students in the classroom and around the school. In addition, staff at Brighouse are working with students to develop a growth mindset. Students are taught that when you have a "growth mindset", you believe that you have control over your abilities, and that hard work, effort and persistence will help you get better at anything you want to get better at. Students are encouraged to work towards demonstrating outstanding effort, hard work and perseverance throughout the year. We were pleased to welcome families at Brighouse for this wonderful opportunity to celebrate our learning.

Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021