Fall Family Survey
Our hope at Brighouse is that all families, students, and staff feel welcome here. The Richmond School District has a Strategic Plan that we use to guide our work together. You can look at the attached document below to learn more about the Strategic Plan. In the plan, Strategic Priority 5 outlines goals for us as a connected learning community. As a part of our work together, we will be seeking your thoughts and feedback on how we can all be connected as a learning community.
Use this link to take the survey:
The survey asks the following questions:
1. Do you feel welcome at school?
Choice of answers are: all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, rarely, never
2. Which value do you feel is the most important as a part of the Brighouse community?
Choice of values are: community, collaboration, kindness, compassion, connection, teamwork, perseverance, respect